You can also move the VirtualBox files across different machines by copying them to a USB drive then booting up your new machine and making use of the USB drive. Unfortunately, VirtualBox can not read Microsoft files and so these will not be affected by this issue. There's no way to create a VirtualBox user folder / installation directory on your computer - so if you want to install the VirtualBox Extension Pack on Windows, follow the instructions at the bottom of this article to move your VDI files onto a PC that can view them. This means that although there is a VirtualBox installation directory on your computer, it will not be able to access the files / settings that it needs to run. In this respect, it follows the similar strategy to Firefox and Chrome for mobile computing.

In any case, the program does not require installation of any software on the computer either - it is strictly Reader mode which means everything is basically seen as a PDF file and works cross-platform. It's very easy to connect your smartphone to your virtual machine - you'll either be prompted on a screen showing that it's working or simply log into your machine from the smartphone. However, all modern smartphones with USB ports can be used in VirtualBox so there is no need to install anything on the computer to use the program.

Despite being an open-source product, some of it's features aren't available in a fully-functional binary format as with a paid version (see "VMware VirtualBox Extension Packs" above). Although VirtualBox is completely free software (download it for free), many people prefer using the VirtualBox Extension Packs.