
My endnote bibliography cited twice
My endnote bibliography cited twice

The options are Single, 1.5 lines and Double. Line spacing: Set the line spacing for your bibliography to match the settings for the rest of your document as closely as possible.Hanging indents: Set an indent for all other lines of a reference if your chosen referencing style requires it.First line indent: Set an indent for the first line of a reference if your chosen referencing style requires it.Start with bibliography number: If you are using a numbered style, you can choose the number to start at.Text format: Define the font style, size and attributes (bold, italic, underline) for the bibliography title so that it matches the other headings in your document.

my endnote bibliography cited twice my endnote bibliography cited twice

  • Bibliography title: Type a heading for the bibliography section.
  • Size: Choose the font size for references in your bibliography.
  • Font: Choose the font to use for the references in your bibliography so they match the text in your document.
  • Underlink linked in-text citations: If you tick this, it underlines the linked citations.
  • Link in-text citations to references in the bibliography: If you tick this, it creates a hyperlink between the in-text citation and the reference in the bibliography.
  • EndNote treats everything inside a pair of curly brackets as a citation linked to a record in your library, so if you are including mathematical expressions in your document, you will need to change the temporary citation delimiter to a character you are not otherwise using.
  • Temporary citation delimiters: These are the punctuation marks used for in-text citation place markers when you convert to unformatted citations for editing your document.
  • With output style: Choose the referencing style you need.
  • my endnote bibliography cited twice

    Format document: The name of the document you are working in.To open it on a Mac, click on the down arrow beside Bibliography in the EndNote toolbar.To open it on a Windows computer, click on the arrow in the bottom right corner of the Bibliography section of the EndNote toolbar in Word.You can use the Configure Bibliography window to format your bibliography or reference list.

    My endnote bibliography cited twice